How To Choose A Dog Bed


The average dog sleeps for 12 to 14 hours per day, so choosing a bed that keeps them comfortable is an important task for any pet owner. Our pets are like family, and we want to make the right choices for their wellbeing, but, particularly as a first-time dog owner, how do you know which bed is best for your pet?

Taylor & Tails creates luxury orthopaedic dog beds suitable for four-legged friends of any age or size. Read on to learn how to choose the perfect dog bed for your faithful companion. 

Choose Your Preferred Style

The right style of bed can be the difference between a dog bed your dog loves sleeping in, or one it sleeps next to. While some companies overwhelm customers with an array of different styles, at Taylor & Tails we believe in keeping it simple. We’ve found that dogs prefer one of two styles - a flat bed they can sprawl out on, or a nest to snuggle into. Which would your dog prefer? 

Mattress Dog Bed

A mattress is designed for dogs who enjoy stretching out and don't like the confines of a walled bed. Consider choosing a mattress with adjustable cushioning, allowing you to customise the filling to your dog's weight, age, and sleeping habits. Taylor & Tails mattress beds offer this feature and come in three sizes, from small to a very generous large. 

Nest Dog Bed

Many dogs consider their bed to be both a place of refuge and a place to sleep. For these dogs, soft walled nest beds give your dog the security and comfort it needs. Owners of anxious dogs will also find this style of bed particularly beneficial. We're confident you'll find the right size of nest bed for your dog among the three sizes offered.


Choose The Right Size

When it comes to choosing a suitable bed for your pet, size is arguably the most important factor. Not only should the size of the bed fit your dog's sleeping habits, but also its projected adult size. A bed that may fit your puppy perfectly will quickly need replacing as it begins to grow. By factoring in the size your dog will be when it’s fully grown, you can save money and reduce waste. 

You can find comprehensive sizing information, including each product's internal and external dimensions on our website. We also provide tips for making your dog bed cosier while your pup is still growing. 


Choose The Filling Type

When buying a dog bed, there are an array of different filling options, some of which offer longer-term value than others. High-street dog beds tend to use fibre filling, similar to what you’d find in a cushion. But, while low-cost filling might make for a cheaper dog bed, it won’t stand the test of time.

Increasingly, memory foam is the filling of choice for dog beds, thanks to its wide range of benefits. If sustainability is important to you, you’ll love Taylor & Tails beds which utilise offcut memory foam from the mattress manufacturing process.

Memory foam can help relieve aches and pains, which is especially important for older dogs and those with joint issues. It is, however, an ideal filling for dogs of all ages and conditions, as its orthopaedic properties encourage good circulation and spinal alignment, helping to ensure a restful night's sleep.

Another unique feature that makes memory foam well suited to dog beds is that it can adjust to your dog's body temperature, providing a more comfortable sleeping surface. Never again will your dog get overheated and choose the floor over its cosy bed.  


Choose A Colour You Love

Choosing a bed that meets your dog's needs is obviously the most important factor, but it's also important to like how it looks in your home. Taylor & Tails offers premium dog beds in a wide range of colours to complement your decor. From classic cream to vibrant blue, you’re sure to find a style you love. 

In addition, you can purchase a replacement cover for any dog bed, giving you the flexibility to mix things up should you redecorate or simply to make washing days that little bit easier.